Taking the Best Photos to Sell Your Property

Taking the Best Photos to Sell Your Property

Tips to take Photos

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that's definitely the case when it comes to selling a property. Getting good photos of your home will help attract potential purchasers and should result in a quick sale and a good price.

First of all, you need a good camera.

Don't use a mobile phone camera and expect usable pictures; they will look amateur and put homebuyers off. Ideally, use a DSLR camera that can accept different lenses wide-angle lenses are useful for small bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens, packing the whole room into a single photo, but if you use one for a large dining room the photo will look distorted and Linappealing. order to frame your shots correctly. Look at photos from high-end estate agents to see what really good house photography looks like, and try to achieve similar results.

Lighting is crucially important.

The comers of rooms are often gloomy areas, and will make your photos look dark. If you have remote-controlled flash you can light these areas up to make the room look bright and cheerful. Otherwise, locate lamps or strong LED light sources to boost the light in these areas. Don't use camera-mounted flash. It won't light the dim areas at the edges of your photo and will generate a harsh light that is unappealing in the center. Think about the way lighting changes with the time of day.

If you have one room you enjoy using in the morning, because the sun makes it warm and bright, then take your photos when the sun is shining through the windows. You have a big advantage here over a professional photographer, who will probably spend between 30 minutes and a couple of hours on a house; since you're around all the time, you can choose the best time to take your pictures. If you have a week or two to spare, wait for a sunny day rather than taking your pictures when the weather is overcast.

Retouching is critical.

Use photo editing software to correct the exposure, brighten the colors, and make sure the skies are blue, not washed-out grey. Remember that good property photos need to do two things. They need to be realistic and useful, showing potential purchasers the rough size and layout of the rooms and the relation of the house to its surroundings, but they also need to sell a lifestyle and convince homebuyers that the house is a great place to live. Don't just take your camera out and shoot. Think about how to present your home to the best advantage. 

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