5 Things That Always Should Be on Your To-Do List

5 Things That Always Should Be on Your To-Do List

Your To-Do List

No matter if you're a busy stay-at-home parent, a billionaire CEO or anything in between, you've probably got a to-do list on your desk or digital device. But if you want your list to move beyond the menial (e.g., feed the dog) and have real significance, there are some points you always should prioritize.

1. Connecting with someone

As Debra Umberson and Jennifer Karas Montez summarize in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, interacting with others has been proven to have a positive effect not only on mental health but on physical health and mortality. This is likely because others can encourage healthier behaviors, ultimately preserves fitness and satisfaction for both yourself and those you connect with.

Even setting health aside, having a connection on your to-do list gives you an opportunity to touch base with others for self-improvement. For example, you can get rid of your stress if you make time to clarify points of confusion with your boss, or you could find a potential business partner in Dubai attending a conference.

2. Money management

When you're tired and have a lot of other important responsibilities on your plate, checking your receipts, statements and investment options can feel impossible to handle. And in fact, roughly a third of Americans fail to budget, with 70 percent of those who do struggling to stick to it.

But managing your finances well ultimately can translate to greater happiness. It eliminates the worry of living paycheck to paycheck and being hounded by creditors. It also usually results in more and better choices, such as having enough money to buy a home that's truly comfortable for you rather than one where you're simply making do. Taking just 5 to 15 minutes each day to log purchases and check accounts can be all you need.

3. Self-care

You know that old saying that, if you're on a plane with a kid, and the plane starts to go down, you put on your own oxygen mask first, right? That's because an unconscious you can't do squat for a little one in trouble.

In the same way, many people do for others, in one way or another, from sun up till sundown. Their own wellbeing is put on the back burner. By bucking this trend and making recharge and put yourself in a better position to take care of everything you're responsible for.

4. Organizing

We're not talking going all Marie Kondo on your whole house every day. Think more along the lines of just taking a few minutes to put what you used today back. Doing this means you can hit the ground running next time with everything in place, which is highly efficient. It also makes it easier for others to come in and help because they'll have an easier time locating what they need.

5. Education

Whether it's just reading a quick article online or taking online courses in dubai, leaming something new can keep you insanely competitive. 

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